Everything that we do in life is a manifestation of how the power of numbers vibrate and interact in the earth’s energy field. These can be seen in the way we think, speak, and act. There are even instances when we decide on impulse, not realising that this is due to the numerology values affecting our every move.

Numerology follows the journey of numbers. We humans are part of this journey, for we are directly influenced by the movements these numbers make.

Power of Numbers looks into the journey of fundamental numbers, 1 to 9. Gaining a better understanding of these movements allows one to follow directions that can lead to favourable outcomes and successes in life.

  • 1 – the journey begins with your desires based on your initiation.
  • 2 – communication is key to moving forward with your desire.
  • 3 – you have to move according to your act, and take control of the situation.
  • 4 – you have to form a plan
  • 5 – from a plan, follow your intended direction.
  • 6 – the lessons from 1 to 5 serve as your knowledge base, and you can use it to acquire wealth and fortune.
  • 7 – movement to this number shows the need to make connections with other people.
  • 8 – a symbol of infinity, thus you should never stop searching for ideas to sustain your goal.
  • 9 – creative ideas bring out the ability to sustain your aspirations.