In the journey of numbers, the number 2 is regarded to be the most expressive. It is the number of expression and emotion, and people with this life path number can be very vocal of their ideas and feelings.

People under life path number 2 are often described to be indecisive, talkative, and soft-hearted. These apply to both men and women, and for many, these qualities are seen to be weaknesses. However, rather than seeing them like that, you may want to use them to your advantage instead.

Being emotional also means you see through the feelings of others. Express your emotions in such a way that you relate to your peers, and make them feel like you understand them too. This will attract them towards you. Your numerology number allows you to be an empath, which you can use to connect to others.

You may be indecisive, but it also means that you are weighing the pros and cons of the situation. Weigh in using facts and reason. These help in achieving sound judgment that suits your ideals and that of others too.

Since the number 2 represents talking, then talk with sense. Complement your outspoken nature with knowledge, so that even you are driven by emotions, you speak with sense and tact.

In numerology, the number 2 is also the number of “sex”. Make friends with the opposite sex since they form your support group.