We often refer to the number 7 as a “lucky number”. In Wester cultures, this number is used in titles of movies and TV shows, and even in product brands compared to other numbers.

Indeed, there are other odd numbers such as 1, 3, 5, and 9, but the number 7 is considered lucky due to its unique vibrations. If we are to study this digit in numerology, here are some of the attributes of the number 7 that make it “lucky”:

  • Highest form of wisdom – the Buddhist philosophy treats the number 7 as the number of ascent. There are seven stages of transcending time and space, and seven steps to reach the realm of Buddha.
  • Number of completeness – in the Holy Bible, Genesis was created in 7 days, the seventh being the day God realised that his creation has been completed.
  • Number of symmetry – in other cultures, this number is seen as the digit of symmetry. There are seven rays of the sun, 7 ages of man, and 7 colours in a rainbow. These natural phenomena signify that number 7 offers balance in our lives.

In Power of Numbers, 7 is not only lucky; it is the digit in the numerology chart that attracts supporters and friends. People with this root number have a strong support group, consisting of persons that they can turn to in times of need.