In the journey of numbers, the number “3” comes next in line after “1” and “2”. It is the result of 1 and 2 combined together; in numerology, this outcome suggests a mixed character.

People born carrying the number 3 as their life path number can be described to have a rather unpredictable behaviour. They can be very temperamental and quick with their decisions. They can also be very impatient and want things to go at a fast pace. They always seem in a hurry, like they are in a race competing with their peers.

While they are born to be aggressive, people under the root number 3 can also be very attached to their spirituality. It is because this number represents that of a triangle and its three vertices.

The three points of a triangle may symbolise the beginning, middle, and the end of a journey. In human wellness, the same three points represent the heart, mind, and soul.

Three is also the number of spirituality in the Christian faith, particularly that of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit).

You may find people who can be very impatient and fast-paced with their everyday tasks, but at the same time know how to keep calm and get in touch with their faith. It wouldn’t be a surprise if they happen to be born under the life path number 3, for these are the manifestations of the digit they bear.