The study of modern numerology is said to have originated from Pythagoras, a Greek scholar born in the island of Samos, Greece. He is known as a scientist, mathematician, and astrologer who believed that numbers have unique vibrations which affect the different aspects of our lives.

Pythagoras believed that our lives, from the moment we are born, are affected by the power of numbers. Our date of birth, for instance, consists of numbers that react with each other. The energies they emit manifest in our personality and characteristics, including the way we think, act, and mingle with other people.

Because of his systematic study of numbers and their vibrations, Pythagoras not only played a significant role in mathematics; he likewise became the father of modern numerology. Through his insights, various forms of numerological studies have emerged.

By applying the principles of Pythagorean numerology using basic data such as the date of birth, one can find out more about the frequencies emitted by different people. The awareness that comes with these lessons allows one to make decisions to improve their quality of life.

Power of Numbers stems from the studies of Pythagoras. Everything in the universe vibrates at its own frequency. These frequencies interact with each other all the time, and their effects show in the way we think, feel, and act.