We usually look at numbers as our means to count. In the area of mathematics, numbers represent the data and figures that allow us to analyse situations accurately. After all, the numbers never lie.

The same can be said in numerology. Numbers may be perceived through a different lens, but they never lie. Hence, it is important to realise the mystical properties that come with each numerical digit. This way, we get to understand how their vibrations affect our lives.

The scholar Pythagoras is not only regarded to be among the greatest mathematicians in history; he is also considered as the father of modern numerology. According to him:

“The world is built upon the Power of Numbers. The entire universe is composed of mathematical patterns, and all things can be expressed in Numbers, which correspond to universal vibrations.”

Indeed, numbers can determine our personalities, destinations, and fortunes.

In numerology, the numbers 1 to 9 show complex relationship patterns. Some of these patterns are studied via diagrams, such as:

  • Lo Shu – When you add up all three numbers in any row or column in a Lo Shu diagram, regardless of direction, it will still add up to 15.
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 – When you isolate the number 5, then add the first number in the row with the last number, it adds up to 1. The same result is derived when you add 2 and 8, 3 and 7, and 4 and 6.
  • The Number 9 as a mirror number – Any number added to 9 and reduced to a single digit will always revert to the original number.